Love Island
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Love Island: determine the participants’ destiny
Love Island is a dating show in the style of Temptation Island and Ex On The Beach. RTL has attained high ratings with this programme, which is about Dutch singles who are looking for true love. And Egeniq too is absolutely thrilled with the series. Not only because we love the excitement and drama that the show provides, but also because we created the Love Island App!
The most interactive dating programme ever
The singles of Love Island spend six weeks in a beautiful, luxurious villa at a scenic tropical location. They must win the love of a possible partner, but also the hearts of the audience. As a viewer, you can use the Love Island App to choose your most and your less favourite couple. In addition, you decide which potential participants can stay in the villa. So, with this app, the singles’ happiness in love lies in your hands!
Technology behind the app
The app that we developed for Love Island consists of four parts: the app itself, a CMS, an Api (from where the apps can retrieve their data and send the votes to) and a page on which the editing team can watch the voting results. Of course, when building the app, we were faced with several challenges, such as realising a quick loading time and providing sufficient capacity for the simultaneous usage by multiple visitors.
In order to optimise the functioning of the app, Egeniq’s team decided to divide the API into two parts. The first part contains the content, of which about 90% remains unchanged. The integration of a cache memory has enabled the app to load quickly. This means that a large number of visitors can read the content at the same time without any complications. We made this possible by means of HTTP caching via AWS CloudFront. The first part of the API is built using PHP based on the Lumen framework. It is hosted in AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS).
De tweede sectie van de API bestaat uit het stemgedeelte. Zodra het programma een stemronde loslaat, komen er binnen zeer korte tijd enorm veel stemmen binnen via de app. Voorafgaand aan het bouwen van de API konden we niet goed inschatten om hoeveel stemmen het daadwerkelijk zou gaan, daarom hebben we gekozen om dit deel apart te bouwen van het eerste deel en te kiezen voor een serverless architectuur. Daarmee kun je (in theorie) een oneindige hoeveelheid requests tegelijkertijd aan. Het stemgedeelte is in Javascript geschreven en wordt gehost in AWS Lambda. Door deze keuzes zal de app niet snel ‘oververhit’ raken. De configuratie en deployment gebeuren via het Serverless framework (